Top Foods that Boost Immunity Naturally

foods that boost immunity

Since 2020, I feel like everyone should be riding the healthy lifestyle wave. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be sick and I don’t want to be sick. It’s not fun! So I am going to do whatever I need to do to boost my immunity. One of the main things that can prevent us from getting sick is eating plant based foods. Most of the food in the grocery store is not good for us. Its packed with harmful ingredients, dyes, and unnatural sugars. These foods are causing cancer, diseases, and inflammation in the body. Understanding the role of nutrition in bettering our health is very important. In this blog post, I am going to give a list of foods that boost immunity naturally. There is a lot of research that shows these foods have a positive impact on our overall health.  It’s crucial to give our bodies the love and care it deserves so it can perform at optimal level and protect us from pathogens. What better way to do that than through the power of plant based food that boost immunity naturally.

Top Food That Boost Immunity Naturally

Citrus Fruits

Let’s dive into the incredible world of Vitamin C. This is crucial to keeping your vibe in check! Vitamin C is a powerhouse packed with so many great benefits! It is an antioxidant that battles it out with anything foreign in the body. It can help reduce inflammation, viral infections, and boost immunity. If you’re every feeling meh, eat one of the fruits below and let the healing begin! List of citrus foods packed with Vitamin C Oranges (anti-inflammatory, protects vision, supports kidneys, and alkalizes the body) Lemons ( relieves dehydration, reduces inflammation, and boosts metabolism. ) Grapefruit (helps break down fat, reduces blood pressure, and boosts immunity) Strawberries (packed with antioxidants, prevents colds, great for the heart, and high in fiber) Papaya (aids in digestion, calms acid reflux, reduces bloating, and increases digestive enzymes) Pineapple (boosts energy, hydrates the body, anti-inflammatory, and boosts blood circulation) Kiwi (high in copper and magnesium, helps with respiratory disorders, and high in fiber)

foods that boost immunity

Leafy Greens

I’m sure everyone is familiar with the health benefits of leafy greens. They are considered THE BOSS of plant based foods. Leafy greens serves up a powerhouse of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, magnesium. and a whole list of other important nutrients.  Adding a cup of day to your meals can give you half of the nutrients the body needs to be healthy. These foods can boost immunity naturally and keep the body happy. List of leafy greens: Spinach (prevents cancer, rich in Vitamin C, high in iron, ad alkalizes the body) Kale (packed with antioxidants, high in protein, boosts immunity, and elevates our mood) Broccoli (high in fiber, Vitamin K, curbs overeating, and promotes healthy bones) Mustard Greens (helps manage cholesterol and full of antioxidants and minerals to fight the common cold) Swiss Chard (rich in beta-carotene and high in copper, magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E) Collards (removes toxins from the body, maintains blood pressure, stabilizes heart rate, and contains fiber)

foods that boost immunity

Yogurt and Probiotics

Probiotics are like the secret sauce to great gut health. Our gut is like a second brain. It can influence how we think and feel. It has its own group of neurotransmitter and when they are all in sync, its like you’re riding on a wave of great health. Yogurt has a great source of probiotics. It can give your gut exactly what it needs to function properly. When your gut is functioning properly, your immunity is boosted. Click the blog post below from Pop Sugar to learn about which yogurt brands are the best for gut health.

foods that boost the immunity

Nuts and Seeds

These tiny little wonders aren’t just tasty, they are considered an elixir for well-being. They are full of omega 3’s, iron, Vitamin E, copper, and magnesium. All can boost your immunity and reduce cardiovascular diseases by keeping our hearts healthy and strong. List of nuts and seeds: Almonds (protects against diabetes, good for the heart, and keeps blood pressure normal) Sunflower Seeds (rich source of healthy fats, anti-inflammatory, prevents diabetes, and good for the nervous system) Cashews (rich in zinc, may prevent cancer, manage and prevent diabetes, and improve digestion) Flax Seeds (improves digestion, high in omega 3’s,  high in antioxidants, and contains fiber) Walnuts (high in antioxidants, proteins, fiber, and omega 3’s) Chia Seeds (contains potassium, magnesium, fiber, iron, and more calcium than milk)

nuts and seeds, eat for energy


Garlic is really beneficial for the heart. It can help fight heart disease, cancer, and other cardiovascular disease. It can also help your blood vessels operate normally and blood pressure maintained. One of the best benefits of the garlic is that it helps clear out the lungs and protect you from the common cold. When it comes to adding garlic to your diet, it is very versatile. You can chop it, roast, toast, minced, or keep it whole turning every meal into a delicious masterpiece. One of the things to consider is that eating too much garlic can cause gastrointestinal problems. Garlic does interfere with certain medicines, so consult with your doctor and always do you research.


In this blog post, I gave you a list of foods that boost immunity naturally. Citrus foods give you a burst of Vitamin C, leafy greens keep you grounded and provides you with a powerhouse of nutrients, and probiotics help keep the gut happy. I can’t forget about nuts, seeds, and garlic as they provide the cherry on top to healthy eating. Picture your plate being the canvas and you are the artist. Paint a pretty picture that is appealing to the eye but also great for the body.

Ciao for now! 

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