7 Foods That Improve Mental Health

foods that improve mental health

I know you heard the phrase “you are what you eat”. This is absolutely true. What we eat is so important. An inadequate diet can lead to fatigue, poor decision making, slow reaction tine, and unwanted weight loss/gain. Have you ever started to compulsively eat whenever you felt stressed, sad, or overwhelmed? I’m sure we all have at one point in our life. When you are feeling these emotions, we often lean on processed foods when we are in search of a quick pick me up. 

Processed foods and sugar can lead to inflammation throughout the body and the brain and can often contribute to anxiety, depression, and stress. Paying attention to what you eat and how you feel when you eat is a step in making sure that you are getting a well-balanced meal. When you pull added sugars and refined carbohydrates from your diet and add foods to improve mental health, you start to change the psychology of your brain

How can food improve our mental health?

Healthy food can make us think clearly and stay focused. Processed foods can cloud our judgement and slow our concentration. Our brain has neurotransmitters that need amino acids from proteins and other nutrients in order to function properly. Plant based foods are packed with fiber. Fiber helps are digestive system function properly. Whole foods are also full of antioxidants that fight inflammation. 

7 foods that can improve our mental health and overall function


Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are little packs of juiciness and sweetness. The brighter the color, the more nutrients. Berries have these compounds called anthocyanidins. They improve brain health and cognitive function. They also contain flavonoids which lowers the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure.


Mangos contain Vitamins A & C, Vitamin B6, and potassium. They help support optimal cognitive health and reduce oxidative stress and infalmmation. They are also a good source of fiber which aids in healthy digestion. 


Cantaloupe is a great fruit with phyto-nutrients that helps rebuild and energize the cells in our body. Phyto-nutrients also regulate hormones. When our hormones get out of wack, we experience mood swings, stress, and brain fog. This fruit also reduces hydration because it is full of water. Staying hydrated can prevent reduction in brain performance.o.

foods that boost immunity

Whole Grains

Whole grains contain complex carbs which can lead to glucose being produced slowly. This will give you a more even and consistent source of energy. Whole grains also help the brain absorb tryptophan.


Whenever watermelons come to mind, I remember the great times I had during summer camp growing up. I used to compete in watermelon eating contests. I had the best time! Watermelons are 90% water. This fruit can give you more water than a bottled water bought at the store. Staying hydrated is important for brain health. Just like tomatoes, watermelons contain lycopene and beta-carotene. These antioxidants help protect against brain decline and preserves memory and thinking skills.

foods that boost immunity


The juice from the apples may help preserve acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps with memory. Apples are full of quercetin which is an antioxidant that helps reduce cellular death resulting from oxidation and inflammation of neurons. Studies have shown that daily consumptions of apples can help decrease the risk of dementia. Apples can also decrease the risk of thrombotic strokes.

Dark Chocolate

I know you have heard the phrase “The darker the chocolate the richer the taste”. 85% or more of cocoa or more is the most beneficial. Dark chocolate contains high levels of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. It has been shown to boost attention and memory, enhance mood and help fight cognitive decline in older adults. Remember, chocolate should be consumed in moderation.

Let your food be your medicine

When it comes to nourishing our brains, we have a wide selection of  delicious and nutritious options at our fingertips. By incorporating these brain boosting foods into your diet, you will fuel your mind with the nutrients needed to thrive. I suggest developing a shopping list to avoid getting unhealthy snacks. Consume healthy fats like olive oil. You can pour a little on your salads or use it as cooking oil. Stay away from eating processed foods consistently. I know we may have our moments but don’t make it a habit. Take what you learned, and create your ow culinary experience. Your brain will thank you for it.

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