The Enemy Within: 5 Ways Self Sabotage is Holding You Back

self sabotage, health and wellness blog

Hey wellness warrior! I want to talk about some things that I feel are preventing some people from being their best selves. I’m sure you’ve heard the words “self-sabotage” before. It’s like that sneaky little voice in your head that loves to throw a wrench in your plans and the way you move. It convinces us to hit snooze instead of hitting the gym, tells us we’re not good enough to pursue our dreams, and fills our minds with doubt and negativity. Self-sabotage is basically our own worst enemy, holding us back from reaching our full potential and living our best lives.

When I think of self-sabotage, I feel it’s like trying to drive with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. You might move forward a bit, but you’re also holding yourself back at the same time. Here’s the thing: we all do it. Every single one of us has fallen victim to self-sabotage at some point in our lives. Maybe it’s procrastinating on that big project until the last minute or letting fear of failure stop us from taking risks. 

I’m here to give you some good news: awareness is the first step to overcoming self-sabotage and knowing that bad vibes can’t reside where the money lies. Once we recognize those sabotaging thoughts and behaviors for what they are, we can start to challenge them and take back control.

5 Ways Self Sabotage is Holding You Back


Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to making lasting changes in our lives. Here’s something I want you to realize: consistency doesn’t necessarily mean doing something every single day. That’s just setting yourself up for burnout and disappointment. Consistency is all about finding a rhythm that works for YOU and sticking to it. It’s about showing up regularly even when life gets crazy or you’re not feeling motivated. Let’s face it, we’re human—we’re going to have off days, and that’s OKAY. But when inconsistency becomes the norm rather than the exception, that’s when we start to sabotage our own progress. Falling back into old eating habits, neglecting our self-care routines all adds up and holds us back from reaching our goals. Cut yourself some slack and focus on progress over perfection. Consistency doesn’t have to be perfect.

Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk aka the little voice in our heads that loves to rain on our parade. Remember in the cartoons when one of the characters had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other? That devil on the shoulder is like having a constant companion who’s always ready to point out flaws and shortcomings. I want you to understand that words have power. When we let negative self-talk take the wheel, we’re essentially sabotaging ourselves from the inside out. Examples of negative self-talk can be beating yourself up over a perceived failure, doubting your abilities, or comparing yourself to others. This starts to chip away at self-esteem and leaves us feeling stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity. 

You have the power to flip the script and rewrite your narrative. Instead of listening to that inner critic, you can choose to speak words of kindness and encouragement. When we speak positive things out loud, we not only lift ourselves up, but we also create a ripple effect of positivity that can impact those around us. Replace negative self-talk with words of affirmation and self-love. It might feel awkward at first, but with practice we can rewire the brain to focus on the good rather than the bad. The next time that negative self-talk starts creeping in, shut it down with a dose of positivity. Continue to remind yourself of your worth and potential. 

Ignoring Emotional Needs

As a health and wellness blogger, I’ve learned firsthand the importance of addressing not just physical health, but emotional well-being too. Ignoring our emotional needs is like trying to build a sturdy house without a solid foundation. It’s bound to come crashing down eventually. We tend to put so much focus on our physical well-being that we forget to check in with ourselves emotionally. We push aside feelings of stress, anxiety, or sadness thinking we’ll deal with them later, but later never comes. Before we know it, we’re burnt out, overwhelmed, and wondering why we’re not feeling our best. 

Emotional well-being is just as important as physical health. The power of the mind is real. When we neglect our emotional needs, we’re sabotaging ourselves from the inside out. Make time to prioritize self-care activities that address our emotional well-being. Mindful practices like meditation or yoga, journaling, or seeking support from a therapist or counselor are crucial for our overall health.

Fear of Failure

I saved the best for last. Fear is one of the biggest reasons people remain stagnant. It’s like that nagging voice that tells us we’re not good enough and we’ll never succeed. You start to think “so why even bother trying?” Letting fear of failure dictate your actions is like putting your dreams on hold indefinitely. It prevents you from taking risks, pursuing your goals, and ultimately living your best life. You eventually become stuck in a cycle of playing it safe, sticking to what’s comfortable, and never stepping outside your comfort zone. Nothing good comes from stagnation and comfortability. What if I told you that failure isn’t something to be feared, but rather embraced as a valuable learning opportunity?

Failure is just feedback. A sign that we’re pushing ourselves, growing, and challenging our limits. Instead of seeing failure as the end of the road, we can reframe it as a stepping stone on the path to success. Use failure as an opportunity to reflect, learn from your mistakes, and come back stronger and more resilient than ever. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Most of the time, our fears are just that, false evidence based on our own insecurities and limiting beliefs. Challenge those fears, take risks, and pursue your goals with courage and determination. In the end it’s not the fear of failure that defines you, but how you choose to respond to it.

Don't let Negative Energy Control Your Life

Self-sabotage is like an invisible barrier that holds us back from reaching our full potential in all areas of our lives. It affects us mentally, physically, emotionally, and professionally. It prevents us from taking risks and pursuing our goals with confidence. In today’s society it’s easy to fall into a hole of depression and negativity, but it’s crucial to stay strong and resilient. By staying prayed up and continuing to work hard, we can overcome self-sabotage and achieve our dreams. 

The power of positivity is real. When we speak positive words and move with intention, we attract good things into our lives. Commit to breaking free from self-sabotage and push to become the best versions of you. Embracing the journey ahead with faith and determination. The road may be tough, but with perseverance and a positive mindset you can overcome any obstacle and create a bright and fulfilling future for yourself.


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